If your financial situation has been negatively impacted, please review the information provided below and consider submitting an income appeal. You may also contact your campus Financial Aid Office to discuss emergency aid options or check with 皇冠博彩’s Financial Stability and Advocacy Centers about other financial resources that may be available.
Why Are Financial Aid Appeals Submitted?
Appeals can be submitted to the Financial Aid Office to provide information and supporting documentation that is not reflected on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You, your spouse (if applicable), or your parents (if parental information is provided on the FAFSA) generally must have experienced unusual or special circumstances in order to have grounds for an appeal.
If you submit an appeal, the Financial Aid Office will determine:
- If you have provided enough supporting documentation to make a decision on your appeal,
- If your appeal can be approved based on federal, state, and institutional policies, and
- If your financial aid eligibility will change if your appeal is approved.
Before you submit an appeal, we encourage you to discuss your situation with a financial aid team member to learn more about the options that may be available for you. Guidance can also be provided on the appropriate form to use, what information should be included in your written statement, and the type of documentation that should be included with your appeal.
Types of Appeals
皇冠博彩's Financial Aid Office has developed forms for the most common types of appeals. Links to the appeal forms along with a brief summary of each type of appeal are provided below.